ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian gives an interview to 1in.am news agency on “The Only Thing That is Continually Changing is the Quality of Society.”


Center analyst Edgar Vardanian’s comments on Yerevan Mayor election campaign are published by Zhamanak daily and 1in.am news agency.


ACNIS holds a roundtable discussion on “The Role of History-making Democratization and Civilian Resistance Movements: Serbian Experience.”

Center founder Raffi K. Hovannisian meets and confers with United States Ambassador John Heffern.

Edgar Vardanian takes part in a press conference on Yerevan Mayor upcoming elections, covered by Armenpress.am, Haynews.am, Aysor.am, and Panorama.am news agencies.


ACNIS analyst Saro Saroyan gives comments to Lragir.am news agency on “The Chief of Police to Make a Critical Choice.”


Edgar Vardanian is the guest of an online program of Media Center.


Center director Manvel Sargsian’s comments on Yerevan Mayor elections are covered by Arminfo.am news agency.


ACNIS holds a roundtable discussion focused on “The Role of History-making Democratization and Civilian Resistance Movements: Polish Experience.”

Center hosts the distinguished members of the Danish Foreign Policy Society and convenes on a number of issues, challenges, and perspectives pertinent to Mountainous Karabagh conflict resolution process at a policy roundtable organized at Center.

ACNIS analyst Edgar Vardanian gives an interview to Galatv.am news agency on “Opposition Needs a New Concept for Political Struggle.”


Edgar Vardanian gives an interview to Aravot daily on “The Possibility of Regime Change Cannot be Ruled Out.”

Vardanian’s comments on “Superficial Changes Do Not Make a State” are covered by Lragir.am news agency.


Edgar Vardanian delivers a lecture entitled “The Change of Political Culture Through Civic Education” in the Social Youth Forum.


Center director Manvel Sargsian takes part in a press conference on post-election developments in Armenia, covered by Iravunk newspaper, Public Radio, and Aysor.am, Mardik.am, Lragir.am, Armtoday.info and Panorama.am news agencies.


Sargsian gives an interview to 168 Zham newspaper onDictatorship of Capital is the Worst Thing in All the World.”


ACNIS analyst Saro Saroyan’s comments on the sit-in of farmers on Yerevan-Armavir highway are covered by Galatv.am news agency.


Manvel Sargsian gives comments to Radio Liberty on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement on the Karabagh issue.


Sargsian is the guest speaker “Hetqi Srahum” online program of Hetq.am news agency.

Manvel Sargsian’s comments on “Weird Groups Conduct Incomprehensible Policy” are covered by Irates.am news agency.

Saro Saroyan gives comments to Gala internet television regarding the increase of gas price.


Center director Manvel Sargsian gives comments to 1in.am news agency on “People’s Complaint Should be Formulated Into a Clear Political Demand.”

Sargsian’s comments on “Armenian Foreign Ministry is in the Last Carriage” are published by Hraparak daily.

ACNIS analyst Saro Saroyan attends a Polish Embassy reception on the occasion of the Constitution Day.


Manvel Sargsian gives comments to Ekho Kavkaza news agency on “Party Crisis in Armenia.”


In Los Angeles, US, ACNIS founder Raffi K. Hovannisian addresses a conference devoted to Independence Day of Armenia, organized by Armenian Bar Association.


Center analyst Edgar Vardanian’s comments on possibility of the unification of the Armenian opposition are covered by Armradio 107 FM.


ACNIS director Manvel Sargsian gives an interview to Lragir.am news agency on “The Regime Knows That it Deals With a Different Competitor.”

Manvel Sargsian’s comments on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement on the Karabagh issue are covered by Nouvelles d’Armenie news agency.