Thursday, 13 February 2025

E Editorial

Why did the people's movement die out?

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People's movement and inter-party political struggle are different things that should not be confused. The purpose and calling of the establishment and activity of political parties in parliamentary countries is to participate in the elections. For this purpose, they create political party structures that specify their social and ideological platform and create a personnel anchor for the future government.

The nature of parliamentary parties should be public-political, where decision-making methods are transparent and accessible to the public. This is the meaning and content of the activities of political parties. It is clear that it is not about the national liberation struggle. The latter are political parties of a formal nature, which, as a rule, have their military wings.

The nature of people’s or national movements is different. When the country is faced with problems that require systemic changes, the political parties are unable to influence the situation in order to get out of the created predicament, and it is not possible to make key changes through elections, there is a need for people’s struggle, in which individual citizens and people from all walks of life can participate regardless of their political party affiliation, beliefs, and worldview.

There is a similar situation in the Republic of Armenia now. We have appeared in front of a dead end of serious challenges, in order to get out of it, different layers of society must unite on the basis of mutual trust. There is no trust in the government, which has brought the country to total capitulation during these five years. There is no trust in political parties either. Some are blamed for past mistakes, others are closed, non-transparent groups with unclear funding, parochial interests and unknown management.

Under these conditions, the biggest mistake was to create the so-called National Committee, an ad hoc alliance of opposition parties that had called for civil disobedience. The creation of the Committee caused the distrust of the participants of the rally, and the number of participants gradually began to decrease, above all, the postponement of holding rallies for an indefinite period at the height of the wave of public uprising deepened the gap of distrust.

The example of the 2022 uprising, the Resistance Movement, a coalition of political parties and groups, including two opposition parliamentary blocs, which lasted for several months, is still fresh in everyone's memory. It was not clear who was leading it, how decisions were made, what the movement's purpose and decision-making mechanism was, as well as how and where could the individuals and groups, who wanted to get answers to the above questions, attend the movement activities.

Thus, several conclusions can be drawn. First, under such conditions, it was a gross mistake to choose a leadership team in a political party format. Secondly, it is preferable to conduct the selection of the staff in a public format, transparent for everyone. Consequently, the goals and ways to achieve them should be announced publicly. Third, certain people must be held personally accountable for the implementation of decisions, whether effective or ineffective.

And most importantly, the formation of the coordinating body of any movement should be based on understandable, exemplary principles. Another neglect of these rules naturally led to the extinction of the popular movement, whereas the beginning was so promising!

The Armenian Center for National and International Studies

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