Political perceptions in Armenia are primitive and mundane due to the deficiency of political thought as a result of the lack of institutions generating political thought. There is a common belief that:
- There is a fierce struggle between the West and Russia, as well as between the West and China to destroy each other, bringing to the eventual victory of one of them. This implies that one should choose a potential winner and stand by its side.
- In domestic political life, the opposition must always be opposed to the government, and the government to the opposition, otherwise it implies that either the opposition has sold out to the government, or the government is weak.
- The superpowers are either our enemies, organizing conspiracies against Armenia, or they love us and are our friends. And this is a cemented, immutable approach.
The series of this kind of delusions might be continued.
It is rather a grand chessboard with Russia, China, and the USA playing a multi-step and multi-content chess game, where there is no point in destroying each other, since firstly, it is impossible, and secondly, it is very dangerous for the winning side itself. We should not forget that we are talking about the ongoing struggle between nuclear powers. Everyone understands that the war will be followed by negotiations, where success in the war is required in order to be in a good position and dictate terms.
In other words, the struggle is intended to occupy good positions before the negotiations. There is a process of determining the future principles of the new world order, during which they pressure each other, create restraining mechanisms, and also give each other new, mutually beneficial opportunities. It's a process. It is important to show the right behavior in that process, not to rely on the final victory of this or that side and the neutral tactics of backing this or that superpower.
It is necessary that we define our own interests and, accordingly, conduct politics, realizing that neither the West will lose, nor Iran and Russia will disappear from the map. Therefore, we are destined to continue our relations with them, if, of course, we can preserve our sovereignty or at least the minimum that is left out of it. As for domestic political life, you should know that misconceptions about foreign policy have a negative impact on domestic political developments as well.
By and large, we don't have an enemy superpower, because in order to be an enemy you should be influential yourself. If your only "merit" is the ability to look for outside supporters, then prepare to become a playing card as a "6" implying “underlying” or, at best, a " 10.” (We apologize for the non-political vocabulary).
In that latter capacity, you can become a small member of the big game, with the jurisdiction to meet at least the minimum that is left of it. Unfortunately, in the last 5 years, we did not manage to overcome even that minimum threshold, in the face of our cowardly, inept and arrogant authorities.